Thursday, April 29, 2010


Culture includes the following;

• Language

• Religion

• Values and attitude

• Education

• Social Organisations

• Aesthetics

• Law And politics

• Technology and materials

Personally I feel that culture is a way a person is presented towards others. Culture could be your family background, tradition and also be the seen as from the way you behave. Throughout your life you fit into a range of different cultures. Culture has many different meanings which can be to do with rituals, traditions, among a organisation or society. Culture is basically what people perceive in their lives as right and wrong. Along with aspects of Family values , Society’s values and attitudes , Community learning and Communal or collective memory


Culture in which we live creates the meaning of everyday products and how these move through a society to consumers. Culture, a concept vital to the understanding of consumer actions, may be thought of as the collective memory of a society. Culture is the accumulation of shared meanings, rituals, norms, and traditions among the members of an organization or society. It defines human community. It includes both abstract ideas, such as values, sports, that are produced or appreciated by a group of people.

Culture is represented by “the skin of an onion, indicating that symbols represent the most superficial and value the deepest manifestation of culture.”



Culture is made up of three essential components:
  1. Beliefs- Mental and verbal processes that reflect our knowledge and assessment of products and services.
  2. Values- Indicators consumers use as guides for what is suitable behaviour; they tend to be relatively enduring and constant.
  3. Custom- overt modes of behaviour, that constitutes culturally approved or suitable ways of behaving in specific situations.
A consumer’s culture determines the overall priorities he or she attaches to different activities or products. It also determines the success or failure of specific products services. Products which benefit the ones who are wanted by members of a culture have a better chance of being accepted in the market place. those aspects of culture that require some form of intellect to comprehend and which are most highly valued and esteemed by a given society's political, social, economic, and intellectual elite

Few views on culture :
The complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, art, law, morals, custom and any capability and habits acquired by man as a member of society” Tylor (in Dubois)

A culture is the configuration of learned behavior and results of behavior whose component elements are shared and transmitted by members of a particular society Ralph Linton (1945)

There are a range of different cultures in the world which change with where the person is and people around them . such as Popular culture (or "pop culture") refers to the cultural meaning systems and cultural practices employed by the majority classes in a society.


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