Thursday, April 29, 2010

Enterprise Week

To be honest i dont remeber much from that week. unfortunately this will therefore be quite a short post as i have left it so late and totally forgot most points about enterprise week. During enterprise week I did not really take part in many activities that were involved in but i will explain about my experience to the event that I attended.

during this week we did not have any lectures to attend for our modules however we did have to attend two important lecture. There were also a range of events that students could attend mainly free of charge. The lecture that we were told to attend i Unfortunately did miss the first lecture however i attended the second lecture “ telling it how it is" i don’t really remember a lot about it as it was a long time ago. And as I’m such a last minute person unfortunately i decided to write about it in the end. When i hardly remember anything. The lecture was quite useful to me as we did find out a lot of information about marketing communication and they way the marketing and working environment is. Also we were able to ask a range of question along with hear the insight of people from different organisations and their job roles. The information i gathered from the discussion allowed me to retain note and information to use in one of my assignment. As there were so many students in the lecture theatre at the time of the lecture it helped me as their where a larger level of students asking more questions to the guest speakers. Which helped me to gain future more information about different topic i was learning. It also helped me to gain an insight into the industry and what job roles are available in different kinds of agencies.

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