Thursday, April 29, 2010

Learning ,Memory & Nostalgia

Learning refers to a permanent change in the behaviour , which comes wit experience however this experience doesn’t affect the learner directly however we can learn through knowledge of event that affect others. Many people also learn through new things and new experiences.

My definition of learning is when a person’s observations and events around them enable them to in put things into their memory. These things are then used in their everyday life also resulting in changes in their behaviour and decision in their life. Learning is part of the human development process. When a person is born their brain automatically starts to learn new things from observation. Also as we grow up and go through different phrases in life we learn new things.

The black box behavioural theory the observable aspect are things that go in to the box (stimuli) events in life and what comes out the box is the reaction and change in behaviour to the stimuli ( response)

Stimulus > consumer > response


• “learning is the acquisition of knowledge & memory is the storage of internal representations of that knowledge” (Blakemore, 1988)



The above diagram shows The memory process

Memory involves a process of getting information and storing it for future usage. Sometime the mind is like a computer: learning the date is inputted in the brain > processed > outputted for use later on.

A consumer process their stimulus simply as sensory meaning like colour and shape.

There are three main memory systems : sensory memory, short – term memory ( STM) AND long term.
  1. Sensory memory – this is the storage of information we get from out senses , this is mainly tempory storage and only last a couple of second at most.
  2. Short term memory – similary stores information for a short period of time, with a limited capacity.  
  3. Long term memory – like the name allows a person to keep hold of information for a long time. although most of the information entered in long term memory does not go away, it may be difficult or impossible to retrieve unless the appropriate cues are present
Knowledge structure

These are complex, bits of information and date are stored in spider web like structure. These information are placed in nodes which are connected to the knowledge structures. Some of the nodes are linked with each other these then cause “Triggering “ . such as when a person remembers something so little because of some event that triggers their memory.


Nostalgia is wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time: a nostalgia for his college days. (

“Nostalgia has been described as a bitter-sweet emotion, where the past is viewed with both sadness and longing.” (Solomon, 2000)

Nostalgia tends to be linked to the 5 senses. A stimulus is sometimes able to enable a response later in time. Advertisers try to use nostalgic themes to attract consumers. These are LINKs to the happiness/good feelings they had at that time towards the product that they are trying to sell.

Advertisers try their best to appeal to the 5 senses. The more they appeal to the easier it is for them to portray the message to their consumer and the stronger the message will be received. Brand names are also a way of attracting consumers however some organisation are extremely strong in appealing to their consumer that they don’t even have a brand name. Ironic advertisements are also a extremely good way to portray messages across to customers as they are likely to be remembered and trigger people memory. < this aticle gives you a little more information about nostalgia 



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