“ 80% of UK purchasing decisions are made by women but 83% of 'creatives' are men”
Depending on the way people a natured and what influences they have from their family the way they think about purchasing certain products are determined.
Now a days purchasing product in the family is not only a decessoion made by the elders in the family. These purchase decision also involve other members in the family. Children have become a highly important factor that influence the family purchase power. As alot of perant now make purchase on behalf of there child. Alongside lisening to comments from their children. As companies have not become aweare of this and of influences of certain age groups in the family they are now trying to invest time and money in producing and advertising products and services that suit the younger family members such as environmentally friendly and child friendly.
The different types of families are :
Nuclear family- which is a family consisting of the parents and children living together.
Extended family- which is the nuclear family and other relatives living together such as auntie’s or grandparents
Family of orientation – this is the family a person is born into.
Family of procreation- this is the family a person finds through marriage.
There a range of changes that may affect the family structures these can be caused different reason such as Increasing number of births out of marriage, lone parent families , step families, one person family, etc
It seems now to be obvious that women are catching up with men in the world of work. However women are now also working successfully running a family with children as well there are now far more women working although there children are between the ages of 11-15. many also working full time with children of very young ages.
The family lify cycle :
- Bachelor >> Young, single, not living at home
- Newly married Young >> no children
- Full Nest I >>Youngest child under 6
- Full Nest II >> Youngest child 6 or over
- Full Nest III >> Older married with dependent
- children
- Empty Nest I >> Older married, no children living at
- home
- Empty Nest II >> Older married, retired, no children
- living at home
- 8 Solitary Survivor I >> In labour force
- Solitary Survivor II >> Retired
In most traditional families the men are always the people who make the money and the women are the ones who spend it. However women don’t spend as carelessly as men do. As they take in to account other aspects of the family needs as well. Whereas in modern families both the men and women share the responsibility of the purchasing in the house hold.
Field (1969) identified three dimensions to determine relative influences of husband, wife, child :
- Discernment or technical > know how
- Price - (expensiveness) > who pays
- Satisfaction > who uses

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