Values can also be defined as the ideas the people have about what is desirable. Values can affect a person to an extent depending on the environment they are in and certain events that may affect them due to the changes around them.
The level of importance certain values have on a person is dependent on things around them. This can also be affected by their age and what happens in their life. Such as a group of people in the same environment and age group may have similar important values to them. Whereas the same values to others may not hold importance to them.
Kahle’s List of Values (1983)
- Self Respect
- Excitement
- Being Well Respected
- Self-fulfilment
- Sense of accomplishment
- Warm relationship with others
- Security
- Fun & enjoyment
- Sense of belonging
There are a range of events in a a certain individuals life that may affect the importance of and order the values are in for a person. These events may be personal to the individual. There are also events that have taken part in the past that have affected everyone not only one individual but everyone in the world. Which therefore then affected the list and importance of pacific values that a person has and the way they live their life. E.g terrorism attracts , role of women , wars etc
These a a few Key event that i have come across in my 19 years:
many of which affected the way i think and my personal life.
September 11th attack ----2001
Iraq war ---- 2003
London bombing 7/7 ---- 2005
Tsunami ----2007
Hati earth quake ----2009Ash cloud ---- 2010
Laddering technique
Laddering techniques enable us to identify the links between functional product attributes & desired end statesPeople have specific terminal values (end states) (e.g. self-respect) and choose amongst alternative actions to achieve these end states
Products become a means to achieving these end states e.g. weight watchers meals
Laddering research enables marketers to ascertain their USP & their positioning stratege
- Ads brief is likely to include:
- Target market
- Terminal value e.g warm relationship with others
- Instrumental value e.g. car as a “babe magnet”
- Content
- Benefit
- Message
- Values
- Attitudes
- Lifestyle survey
My results the VALS 2 :
Your primary VALS™ type is Experiencers, and your secondary type is Innovator.
The primary VALS type represents your dominant approach to life. The secondary classification represents a particular emphasis you give to your dominant approach.

“Innovators are successful, sophisticated, take-charge people with high self-esteem. Because they have such abundant resources, they exhibit all three primary motivations in varying degrees. They are change leaders and are the most receptive to new ideas and technologies. Innovators are very active consumers, and their purchases reflect cultivated tastes for upscale, niche products and
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