Thursday, April 29, 2010

Intial thoughts on blogging

Blogging is a excellent way of expressing your learning and understanding of topics learnt in certain modules. It is like a computerised diary about you day to day life . more like a review of the lecture and summary of what we learnt in our own words, when i first started to use blogger i was extremelly confused as to what i was supposed to do with it. i also was confused with how to do certain things on it. however it is extremelly easy once you get used to it.blogging is well known and i know highly used by people. so hopefully i shall be using blogger many more time in the future.
 we have to complete 15 post on this blogger in order to complete our final assignement each blog will cover topics learnt through out the lectures for the module "understanding the customer" till the end of the year. these blogs are like a diary to what we have learnt also like a web book that other students can read and learn about what we learnt in our lecutres.

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